Top 7 Most Important Recruiting Trends to Watch in 2021

Finding the best employees

There’s no doubt that COVID-19 has thrown the entire world the biggest curveball ever. The evolving job scene reflects the endless stream of winners and losers, with moving goalpost added to the mix for good measure. While unemployment is high, individuals with a decent skillset realize that they are in control.

That’s why it makes sense to follow the trends and roll with the punches. Here are some of the most impactful recruiting trends and practices to pay attention to as we head into the new year.

1. Craft an Appealing Job Description.

Gallup’s State of the American Workplace provides a roadmap for what recruiters need to know for finding candidates who are good fits for the job. One of the main talking points is clear expectations. Employees want to take pride in their work. That journey begins with an appealing job description that is transparent. It’s the single best way to establish mutual trust.

2. Remote Work Skills Are Vital.

If we’ve learned anything from the pandemic, it’s the importance of remote working skills. That involves time management, communication, and a self-starter mindset. That makes tech-savvy and experienced remote candidates desirable because they get it. We suggest asking questions about their work routine.

3. Embrace AI-Powered Recruiting Solutions.

AI is your friend. It can save you a lot of time by screening candidates who aren’t a good fit for the culture of your organization.

4. Build a Strong Brand.

Another point raised by the Gallup report is the importance of the employer brand. With so much upheaval in 2020, people want their employers to be transparent, supportive, flexible, and secure. Today, talented candidates are looking for these qualities, using employer brand to suss out who has them, and choosing to work for those organizations over the ones who don’t.

5. Identify Soft Skills Vital to Your Organization.

A college degree or familiarity with different software often sets the bar. However, soft skills like critical thinking and leadership aren’t necessarily the things that candidates learn in school. Nevertheless, they are vital to the success of an organization. The stickler is that they are often hard to teach. Many are instinctive or intuitive. In a time where organizations are leaner than they may have been this time last year, it’s more important than ever to look beyond the resume, identify soft skills, and make impactful hires.

6. Streamline Your Company’s Hiring Process and Onboarding.

One of the most irritating things about applying for a new job is the time it takes to find out if you’ve been hired—or at least put on the shortlist. It’s even more essential during the pandemic because of the spike in competition. Quality candidates aren’t going to wait for everyone in your organization to sign off on a recruit. Make it easier for you and the recruits. Make decisions quickly.

7. Identify Active Jobseekers.

The reality is that some people approach job hunting passively. Perhaps, they had a bad experience at work and reacted by applying for another position. It’s imperative to recognize the difference between those willing to make a move and those testing the waters.F

RHM Staffing Solutions

Finding it hard to confidently hire the talent you need in these challenging times? You’re not alone, and RHM Staffing Solutions is here to help. 

Our team of dedicated recruiters has the networks and industry know-how required to help great organizations find the talent they need to thrive.

Give us a call today to learn how we can do it for you.