Hiring Has Changed: Here’s What You Need to Know
For even the most prophetic of you out there, few could have imagined in early March that, by the end of summer, the strange ways in which our lives have changed in light of the pandemic would still be shaping our daily behaviors.
It’s difficult to describe just how drastically people and organizations have had to adapt in recent months. Little in our lives, both personally and professionally, has escaped some level of modification, and, by now, these modifications are slowly but surely becoming the new normal. While this “new normal” hopefully carries with it an expiration date, we’re still unsure when that date may be.
In the meantime, organizations are doing their utmost to innovate to stay competitive. One of the processes that has seen the most change is the hiring process.
To put it bluntly, jobseekers want different things than they did before March. And employers need to address those things, not only to acquire new talent but to retain the talent they already have.
Below, we’ll share some insight into what the new jobseeker is looking for from employers and how you can take action to see that their needs are met.
The desires of the new jobseeker
While compensation and career advancement opportunities haven’t become less important to workers, they now share the top of the priority list with job security.
With such considerable upheaval ensuing from the initial outbreak, it comes as little surprise that safety, stability, and job security would emerge as the new number one concern for job-seeking Americans.
Companies who can rely on a strong, cohesive, and united culture to convey transparency, honesty, and stability to its employees and prospects are winning against the companies who can’t. The time you’ve invested into creating a genuine and relatable employer brand/culture matters more now than ever.
Even as the country has taken steps to reopen and many industries have recovered much of what they lost initially, a purveying sense of uncertainty remains as the country still grapples to get the number of cases down and develop measures to prevent a second wave.
People want to know that their job is safe, or, at the very least, that if it is potentially at risk should things decline again, that they at least will have enough of a warning to prepare. Workers who sniff any level of insincerity from their current leadership are scampering to jump ship to organizations where they believe they will be more secure or dealt with more honestly.
More than you ever have before, communicate as honestly and transparently as you can with your employees. As frequently as is feasible, check in with staff members individually or address the company broadly in monthly meetings. If an employee decides their career is best served elsewhere, make sure the reason isn’t that you didn’t communicate with them more than you could have.
As it relates to job seekers, how you handle the candidate experience is more valuable than ever before. Everything from your employer brand and mission statement, to how promptly you follow up and the quality of a phone interview, will be evaluated with unprecedented scrutiny. Make sure you dedicate time to evaluating your hiring processes and ensure your candidate experience is as responsive and considerate as possible.
As companies progress through this pandemic with leaner and leaner teams, the value of top talent has soared. Failing to retain your top performers, or being unable to acquire leading candidates can be devastating. But, as organizations have already put in incredible energy to adapt and find opportunities amidst the turmoil, opportunity awaits for the companies who can develop a hiring process and brand that stand out among the rest and reflect the new desires of workers nationwide.
RHM Staffing Solutions
Finding it hard to confidently hire the talent you need in these challenging times? You’re not alone, and RHM Staffing Solutions is here to help.
Our team of dedicated recruiters has the networks and industry know-how required to help great organizations find the talent they need to thrive.
Give us a call today to learn how we can do it for you.